Exodus 1:17 Ministries

Ministerial based private midwifery care with love and devotion

The Mission Field

Hi there! So happy you're here. My name is Becky. I am a wife and mom, a craniosacral therapist, and a traditionally trained private midwife, among other things. I came to midwifery through my own journey of successfully birthing at home after 3 traumatic unnecessary cesareans.

Love scrabble tiles on book page
Love scrabble tiles on book page
person in gray long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
person in gray long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

And with that, welcome to my mission field. In Matthew, chapter 22, Jesus said you shall love your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and the first commandment. He went on to say the second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. These are the two things I strive for everyday and are the foundation of my ministry. I formed this ministry because one day, while deep in meditation and prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit say I was sent to be different, to the lost and broken just as I once was. I love the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:12, and I like to think this is how I serve others, saying, our creator would leave the 99 and search out the one who is lost until he is found.

My mission is to serve these women, who know what they want, who have read and researched on their own, and come to the conclusion that birth at home is the safest route for them and their new little ones.

My philosophy on pregnancy, birth and postpartum is to pray and trust God first, have plenty of conversations, provide education and guidance, focus on prevention of complications with proper nutrition and lifestyle habits, and to facilitate a normal physiological birth by leaving it private, safe, and undisturbed.

If you are finding yourself in a situation without supportive providers, or don't know if you have the financial resources, or simply want to explore your options, please don't hesitate to email or text me.

woman sitting on brown bench while reading book
woman sitting on brown bench while reading book
black and white quote board
black and white quote board


  • Start to finish care up to about 6 weeks postpartum

  • Per visit prenatal and postpartum care

  • Birth only support

  • Dual care for clients who wish to see a physician during pregnancy but desire to have a home birth

  • Late to care

  • Unassisted birthing families support

  • Childbirth education

  • Placenta preparation

  • Nutritional coaching

I primarily serve in and between Oklahoma City and Tulsa, however, I can and will travel greater distances as time allows.

grayscale photo of woman hugging baby
grayscale photo of woman hugging baby

I hired Becky after giving birth to 5 babies; 2 naturally followed by 3 cesareans. When I got pregnant with number 6, I was determined not to have another surgery. Becky believed in my ability more than anyone else, including my husband, and I did what no one believed I could do. I had a baby naturally, in my home, after 3 cesareans, at the age of 45, embracing the scripture that with God all things are possible including this!!

What Clients Say

person holding babys feet
person holding babys feet

We interviewed 17 midwives before ultimately finding Becky through the grapevine. She was the only one who recognized my husband and I as the sole decision makers, and my right to refuse interventions commonly imposed on women during birth, and for that we are grateful and will be using her in the future.

After 2 c-sections, I was completely done. I prayed for a way to avoid another major surgery. God brought us Becky through word of mouth and I have never been so cared for during a pregnancy. With looking at my diet, she was able to help me avoid the high risk of preterm labor that I had with my first 2 pregnancies, while under the care of doctors. The biggest difference for me, was not only the physical and how much healthier I was to carry my baby, but also that my spirit was being looked after and my first home birth was filled with prayer and full connection with the Holy Spirit. That for me was incredibly special. I love Becky and consider her my family.

I chose Becky to be my midwife for my home birth after multiple cesareans because she is spiritually led; a quality I have not seen in any other midwife! Having someone in my birth space who was seeking and listening to God was the single most important quality I was looking for! I knew she had also been down this road herself, and could identify firsthand with me, which was also comforting. I will definitely be using her again for future babies.

pair of baby's pink knit shoes on bench
pair of baby's pink knit shoes on bench
person holding babys hand
person holding babys hand

I lost a baby early on, and Becky came to my house when the baby was born. She treated the whole situation the same as if there were a term birth. I had not even officially hired her yet and she came anyway. She prayed for me and stayed at the house into the next day, cleaning up and feeding me things she knew would help me recover faster. She even came back to do postpartum visits. I had 2 previous home births with other midwives and was surprised at how far she went to provide care she wasn't obligated to. Ill be using her in the future for sure.

woman carrying child while standing near trees at daytime
woman carrying child while standing near trees at daytime

I decided while I was in labor that I did not want to go to the hospital as planned so I found Becky through a friend of a friend, and called her and she drove an hour and a half to come help me. She was there for an hour supporting me and basically watched as my husband caught our son and then she cleaned up the mess and dealt with our toddler on top of her other tasks. I was so thrilled to just crawl back in bed after and nest with my baby without hands and equipment and noise of a hospital delivery room.

green leaves with black round fruits
green leaves with black round fruits
man carrying baby
man carrying baby
woman holding baby
woman holding baby
a man, woman, and child sitting on a bed
a man, woman, and child sitting on a bed
baby in white shirt lying on bed
baby in white shirt lying on bed
grayscale photography of man carrying a baby
grayscale photography of man carrying a baby
a woman holding a baby in her arms
a woman holding a baby in her arms
woman with white ribbon on her face
woman with white ribbon on her face
woman holding baby beside man smiling
woman holding baby beside man smiling
woman in bathtub
woman in bathtub
a pregnant woman making a heart shape with her hands
a pregnant woman making a heart shape with her hands
grayscale photo of man and woman kissing babys leg
grayscale photo of man and woman kissing babys leg
grayscale photo of baby lying on bed
grayscale photo of baby lying on bed
a woman holding a baby in her arms
a woman holding a baby in her arms

Exodus 1:17 Ministries is a lawfully formed church and outreach ministry based on faith and Private association of the Church and its outreach ministry to be natural and well. Our Church and its outreach ministry operates with a reliance upon our faith in what is natural, and Nature's God, dedicated to providing knowledgeable people offering their services and advice concerning natural wellness in assisting its members.

white book page beside green potted plant
white book page beside green potted plant
round green fruits
round green fruits

I am a Holy Spirit led private midwife called to this work by the divine Creator of all things, our Holy and just God. This work is my ministry, to spread the gospel of Christ Jesus, by serving all women in all stages of life. I do not practice medicine, nor do I possess midwifery credentials as part of a governing board ie, CNM, CPM. I do not practice in the same manner, or under the same rules and regulations. The definition of Midwife is my own, not assigned or prohibited to me by any state or government entity.

I recognize women as the life givers, just as Eve was in the beginning, who have complete dominion over their bodies, specifically and including the act of growing and birthing the next generation. Birth is a physical, emotional, and spiritual rite of passage, granted to us by our Creator, to choose where, by what means, and who attends or not. My faith is my foundation. I recognize I am meaningless, know nothing, and have nothing without Him. I am truly honored to walk with any woman who desires my guidance and support. It is with great gratitude that I offer my labors in the affairs of God and men.

baby in orange white and blue stripe onesie lying on brown and white textile
baby in orange white and blue stripe onesie lying on brown and white textile

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